
16 март 2013

st. Silouan Athonite ADAM'S LAMNET

st. Silouan Athonite 

Adam pined on earth, and wept bitterly, and the earth was not pleasing to him. He was heartsick for God, and this was his cry:

'My soul wearies for the Lord, and I seek Him in tears.
'How should I not seek Him?
'When I was with Him my soul was glad and at rest, and the enemy could not come nigh me;
'But now the spirit of evil has gained power over me, harassing and oppressing my soul,
'So that I weary for the Lord even unto death,
'And my spirit strains to God, and there is naught on earth can make me glad,
'Nor can my soul take comfort in any thing, but longs once more to see the Lord, that her hunger may be appeased.

'I cannot forget Him for a single moment, and my soul languishes after Him,
'and from the multitude of my afflictions I lift up my voice and cry:
'"Have mercy upon me, O God. Have mercy on Thy fallen creature"'.

O love of the Lord! He who has known Thee seeks Thee, tireless, day and night, crying with a loud voice: 
'I pine for Thee, O Lord, and seek Thee in tears. 
'How should I not seek Thee?
'Thou didst give me to know Thee by the Holy Spirit,
'And in her knowing of God my soul is drawn to seek Thee in tears.'

'The desert cannot pleasure me; nor the high mountains, nor meadow nor forest, nor the singing of birds.
'I have no pleasure in any thing.
'My soul sorrows with a great sorrow:
'I have grieved God.
'And were the Lord to set me down in paradise again,
there, too, would I sorrow and weep - "O why did I grieve my beloved God?"'

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